Bodylinez Free Online Training Trial

This is a 1-week trial option that bodylinez offers so you can see what we have to offer before any commitment. The workouts placed in your schedule will be designed based on the information received from your onboarding. I take each and every individual health and fitness goal serious therefore there are no one size fits all predesigned workouts regardless of a package or free trial. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and helping reach and exceed all your health and fitness goals. Terry

Plan Includes

  • 1 week of custom workouts based on individual goals.

How it works

  • Sign up with your email.
  • Complete onboarding questionnaire after logging into the app.
  • Receive one week of customized workouts while familiarizing yourself with the site and all Bodylinez has to offer.
  • Reach out through our chat or email directly with any and all questions.
  • Following the free trial choose the package that you feel is best for your health and fitness goals.
1 week

One Time Payment


Email Address

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