Bodylinez Online Student Athlete

A four-week fitness program designed to focus on the specific goals and needs of both youth and teen athletes. Everybody has a personal best ahead of them. Playing better, going faster, making the team. Bodylinez provides an online training platform for athletes of all levels so they can reach and exceed their individual potential. Youth athletes are not mini-adults and, therefore, must have a progressive training approach specific to their unique needs. With over 25 years of experience in sports performance training I will build a program to benefit each individual in all sports and all positions. If sport-specific training is needed, we have personalized training programs available as well. This plan includes 2 to 3 workouts a week based on specific goals and needs.

Plan Includes

  • Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

  • Regular progress check-ins

  • Regular updates in plans based on your progress

  • Effective and safe supplement reccomendations

  • 24/7 chat support

How it works

  • Purchase the plan
  • Complete onboarding questionnaire after logging into the app
  • Schedule initial video call to personally go over all detail and goals for your personalized fitness and nutrition plan.
  • Your personalized schedule is made available in the app in 24-48 hrs
  • Follow workouts, log nutrition and other metrics
  • Connect with me in case of any queries via in-app chat



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